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[Japanese Photography between 1920 and 1945]
[Sources for this list]
[Reference Books for photography between 1920 and 1945]
[(REFERENCE) Brief Chronology for Photography between 1920 and 1945]
[Photographers appeared in annuals between 1920 and 1945]
The names of photographers are listed in alphabetical order.
[p] [Top of II)] Go to [o] Go to [q]
Hilmar Pabel (1910-2000) [M']
Ivos Pacetti (Ivo Pacini Pacetti) (1901-1970) [AM][AN]
Paco [XL]
Giuseppe Pagano (1896-1945) [AE]
Fernando Paillet (1880-1967) [ZD]
Jean Painlevé (1902-1989) [B][AH]
Vincio Paladini (1902-1971) [AF][AM][AN] ([AN] shows Vinicio Paladini as his name.)
Marion Palfi (Marion Hermine Serita Palfi) (1907-1978) [H]
Alfred Palmer (1906-1993) [XJ]
Maria Panasewicz (1900-1953) [AO']
Ivo Pannaggi (1901-1980) [AN]
Gyula Pap (1899-1983) [AL]
André Papillon (1910-1986) [B][AX30]
Gaston Paris [XD]
Giulio Parisio (1891-1967) [AM][AN]
Bertram Park (1883-1972) [XL][Z][AW]
Norman Parkinson (Ronald William Parkinson Smith) (1913-1990) [H][M'][Z][AT-9]
Gordon Parks (Gordon Alexander Buchanan Parks) (b. 1912) [L][M'][R][AS][AT-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8]
Roger Parry (1905-1977) [A][B][T][AH][AX30]
Sara Parsons (b. 1901) [A]
Fernando Pasta (1887-1965) [AE]
Adolfo Porry Pastorel [ZA]
Federico Patellani (1911-1977) [AE][AH] ([AH] shows Frederico Patellani as the name.)
Samuli Paulaharju (1875-1944) [K]
George Augustine Pearce (1901-1979) [I]
Gino Pedroli (1898-1986) [AB]
Enrico Pedrotti (1905-1965) [AM]
Fred P. Peel (c. 1884-c. 1959) [F][U] ([U] shows 1884 as the year of birth and 1959 as the year of death.)
Nelly Peissachowitz [ZB]
Irving Penn (b. 1917) [M'][T][AT-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11]
Roland Penrose (Sir Roland Algernon Penrose) (1900-1984) [XD][AF]
Heinz von Perckhammer [XL][AJ]
Nicola Perscheid (1864-1930) [N][AJ]
Umberto Perticarari (1901-1972) [AM]
Józef Pécsi (1889-1956)
Walter A. Peterhans (1897-1960) [B][H][N][AL]
Joseph Petrocelli (?-1928) [F]
Nicolas Petrov (1892-1959) [XF]
Georgii Petrusov (Georgievich Petrusov) (1903-1971) [H][M][AX30] ([M] shows Georgii Petrussow as his name. [AX30] shows Georgi Petroussov as his name.)
Robert Petschow (1888-1945) [A]
Charles B. Phelps, Jr. (1891-1949) [F]
Edgar Phipps (Edgar Eugene Phipps) (b. 1887) [R]
Francis Picabia (1879-1953) [AU]
Pablo Picasso (Pablo Ruiz Picasso, Pablo Ruiz y Picasso, Pablo Diego José Santiago Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno Crispín Crispiniano de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz Blasco y Picasso López) (1881-1973) [AG]
Walter Barrington Piers (1890-1964) [I]
Joaquín Pintos (1881-1967) [Y]
Natalia Pinus [J]
Emile Piret (1879-1958) [AA]
Luigi Pirrone (1898-1979) [AN]
Abraham Pisarek (1901-1981) [N]
Emily Pitchford (1878-1956) [D]
Joaquin Pla Janini (1879-1970) [H][Y] ([Y] shows Joaquim Pla Janini as the name.)
George Platt Lynes ......Please see [l].
Roger Platt-Lynes [AX40]
Kasimierz Podsadecki (1904-1970) [G][AF][AO][AT-7][AU] ([XM], [AF], [AO], [AT] and [AU] show Kazimierz Podsadecki as his name.)
P. H. Polk (Prentice Herman Polk) (1898-1984) [R]
Josep Pons Girbau (b. 1887) [Y]
Poole Studio [R]
Liubov Popova (1889-1924) [AU]
Roger Populaire (1898-1970) [AA]
Joan Porqueras (1889-1969) [Y]
Eliot Porter (Eliot Furness Porter) (1901-1990) [H] (Elliott Porter)
Marion Post Wolcott (1910-1990) [C][G][H][AK][AS][AT-5]
William Boyd Post (1857-1925) [M']
Frantisek Povolny (1914-1974) [ZA][X]
Enrico Prampolini (1894-1956) [AM]
Ernest M. Pratt (1876-1945) [D]
Lorenzo Antonio Predali (1886-1962) [AE]
Count Giuseppe Primoli (1851-1927) [H]
Willy Pritsche (b. 1911) [N]
Progress Studio [XM]
Boris Prusakov [AU]
Jaroslav Puchmertl (b. 1916) [X]
Peter Rose Pulham (1910-1956) [Z]