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[Japanese Photography between 1920 and 1945]
[Sources for this list]
[Reference Books for photography between 1920 and 1945]
[(REFERENCE) Brief Chronology for Photography between 1920 and 1945]
[Photographers appeared in annuals between 1920 and 1945]
The names of photographers are listed in alphabetical order.
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Anatoli Garanin (b. 1912) [H]
André Garban [XM]
William A. Garnett (b. 1916) [H]
Norman Rhoads Garrett (1896-1981) [T]
Pierre Gassman (b. 1913)
Grant Gordon Gates (1895-1978) [I]
Herbert Gehr (1910-1983) [AK] after 1950; Edmund Bert Gerard
Karl Geiser (1898-1957) [XI][AB]
Arnold Genthe (1869-1942) [D][H][M]
Raymond H. Georg (1900-1958) [U]
Sonja Georgi [AJ]
Paul Gerhardt [XL]
Helmut Gernsheim (Helmut Erich Robert Gernsheim) (1913-1995) [H]
Arturo Ghergo (1901-1959) [AE]
Georg Gidal (1908-1931) [N]
Tim N. Gidal (Tim Gidal, Tim Nachum Gidal ) (Ignaz Nachum Gidalewitch) (1909-1996) [H][M][N][T][AH][AI] ([N] shows Ignaz Nachum Gidalewitsch as the real name.)
Sigfried Giedion [AL]
Laura Gilpin (1891-1979) [A][C][F][G][H][AK][AT-1, 2, 5, 8]
Ben Glaha (1899-1971) [XJ][AK]
Douglas Glass (1901-1978) [H]
Helga Glassner (active 1930s-1940s) [AT-7]
Adele Gloria (Adele Crelia Gloria (Adele Cleria Gloria?)) (1910-1984) [AN]
Emili Godes (1895-1970) [Y]
Louis Goetz (active 1914-1930s) [D]
Eugene O. Goldbeck (E. O. Goldbeck, Eugene Omar Goldbeck) (1892-1986) [XJ]
Lotte Goldstern-Fucks [E]
Joaquim Gomis (b. 1902) [Y] (Joaquín Gomis?)
Henry B. Goodwin (Henry Bueergel Goodwin) (1878-1931) [H][K]
Hein Gorny (1904-1967) [N][AJ]
Fritz Goro (1901-1986) [H][AT-6]
Samuel Gottscho (1875-1971) [AT-7]
Fletcher O. Gould (dates unknown) [D]
Cok de Graaff (1904-1988) [W]
Werner Gräff (Werner Graeff) (1901-1978) [AL]
Maggiorino Gramaglia (Vittorino Gramaglia (Vittorio Gramaglia?) (1895-1971) [AM][AN]
Josef Gramm (b. 1878) [AG]
William James Grant (né Crewe) (1854-1936) [I]
Aurelio Grasa (1893-1972) [Y]
John Graudenz [AJ]
Stuggio Graziani (dates unspecified in the source) [AN]
Ruzzie Green (1892-1956) [AK]
Milton H. Greene (1922-1985) [M']
Franz Emmerich Gregora (fl. c. 1938) [XA]
Yvonne Gregory [XL][XM][AW]
Noel Griggs (1890?-1941) [Z]
Franco Grignani (b. 1908) [H]
Arthur Grimm (fl. c. 1936) [XA]
Alexandre Grinberg (Alexandre Danilovitch Grinberg, alias Grünberg) (1885-1979) [B]
Carola von Groddeck [E]
Franciszek Groer (1887-1965) [AO']
Ise Gropius (Ilse Frank) (1897-1983) [AL]
Walter Gropius (1883-1969) [A]
Sid Grossman (Sidney Grossman) (1913-1955) [G][H]
George Grosz (1893-1959) [G][AD][AU]
Charlotte Grunert [AL]
Giuseppe Guarnieri (born around the end of 19c.) [AN]
Paul Guermonprez (1908-1944) [W]
Pedro Guerrero (b. 1917) [T]
Victor Guidalevitch (1892-1962) [AA]
René Guiette (1893-1976) [AA]
Yakov Guminer (1896-1942) [XC]
John Gutmann (Johann Gutmann) (1905-1998) [A][G][N][T][V][AK]