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[Japanese Photography between 1920 and 1945]
[Sources for this list]
[Reference Books for photography between 1920 and 1945]
[(REFERENCE) Brief Chronology for Photography between 1920 and 1945]
[Photographers appeared in annuals between 1920 and 1945]
The names of photographers are listed in alphabetical order.
[d] [Top of II)] Go to [c] Go to [e]
Marques da Costa (no dates) [AC]
Toso Dabac (1907-1970) [H]
Jón J. Dahlmann (1873-1949) [K]
Louise Dahl-Wolfe (1895-1989) [G][H][T][AT-4, 9]
Tullio D'Albisola (Tullio Spartaco Mazzotti) (1899-1971) [AN]
Salvador Dali (b. 1904) [AF][XA]
George Daniell [Q]
William Edward Dassonville (1879-1957) [D][F][U][V][AK]
Alexandra David-Néel (1868-1969) [AV]
Faurest Davis (1906-1991) [V]
Leonard Davis (b. 1906) [I]
Myron Davis (b. 1919) [AT-3]
Victor de Cessole (1859-1941) [AV]
Victor De Maer [AA]
Baron Adolf de Meyer (1868-1949) [A][G][T][U][AT-1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 11][AX20] ([G] shows 1886 as the year of birth and 1946 as the year of death. [T], [U] and [AT] show 1946 as the year of death.)
Correia de Noronha (no dates) [AC]
Margaret Strong De Patta (1903-1964) [V][AK]
Dimitri Debabov (1901-1949) [XF]
Wanda von Debschitz-Kunowski (1870-1935) [E][AL]
Marion Dederko (1880-1965) [G][AO'] ([AO'] shows Marian Dederko as the name.)
Witold Dederko (b. 1906) [G][AO']
Jack Delano (1914-1997) [G][H][T][AS][AT-5]
Giovanni Delprete (1878-1937) [AB]
Leon Robert Demachy (1859-1936) [H]
Ferrucio Demanins (Ferrucio A. Demanins) (1903-1944) [AN]
Antoine Demilly (1892-1964) [B][AH] cf. Théo Blanc
Fortunato Depero (1892-1960) [AM]
Rosetta Amadori Depero [AM]
Erwin von Dessauer (1907-1976) [M]
Anne Pilger Dewey (1890-1980) [F]
Edward R. Dickson (1880-1922) [F]
Jean Dieuzaide (1921-2003) [M]
Michael Disfarmer (Mike Disfarmer) (1894-1959) [H] cf. http://www.disfarmer.com (1884-1959)
Robert Disraeli (1905-1988)
Werner Doede (b. 1904) [AG]
Theo van Doesburg (1883-1931) [W]
Robert Doisneau (1912-1994) [B][G][H][M'][AH][AX40]
Emilio Mario Dolfi (dates unspecifies in the source) [AN]
Cesar Domela (1900-1992) [A][B][W][AU][AX20] ([AU] shows César Domela-Nieuwenhuis as his name. [AX20] shows César Domela as his name.)
James N. Doolittle (1889-1954) [A][D][AK]
Madame D'Ora (Dora Kallmus) (1881-1963) [C][E][M'][AX30]
Carlo Maria Dormal (1909-1938) [AN]
Nell Dorr (1893/95-1988) [C]
Dorvyne (Unknown) [AT-11]
Benedykt Jerzy Dorys (1901-1990) [H][AO] ([AO] shows Jerzy Benedykt Dorys as the name.)
Frederico Bonacho dos Anjos (1867-1947) [AC]
Gerardo Dottori (1884-1977) [AN]
Antoon Dries (b. 1910) [H][AA]
Freek Driessen [W]
Frantisek Drtikol (František Drtikol) (1883-1961) [B][G][H][M][O][Q][X][AH][AR][AT-1, 4][AW] ([AR] does not include any photographs dated on or after 1920. [AT] show 1878 as the year of his birth.)
Pierre Dubreuil (1872-1944) [A][B][T][AA]
Marcel Duchamp (1887-1968) [A][B][AD][AF][AG][AH][AU]
Marcel Duhamel (1900-1973) [B][AF]
Minya Dührkoop (Minya Diez-Dührkoop) (1873-1929) [E]
Nora Dumas (Nora Telkes de Kelenfold) (1890-1979) [B][C][AT-4]
David Douglas Duncan (b. 1916) [G][H]
Max Dupain (1911-1992) [H]
André Durst (1907-1949) [AT-9]
Remy Duval [AX30]